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NCI Technology Transfer Ambassadors Program (TTAP)

Leads from the NCI TTAP Program with poster winner at 2024 Tech Showcase

TTAP Team Leads from TTC stand with the winner of the poster competition at the 2024 Technology Showcase. Ambassadors who participate in the year-long training program commence their training by preparing a technology poster and delivering a one-minute quick technology pitch at the Annual Technology Showcase. The event provides Ambassadors the opportunity to apply their training.

The NCI Technology Transfer Ambassadors Program (TTAP) is a free training program for NIH post-doctoral fellows, Staff Scientists/Staff Clinicians, lab technicians (and other scientists), graduate students, and postbaccalaureates seeking to enhance their current research activities with hands-on training in biomedical invention development, commercialization, and entrepreneurship. 

Experience gained in TTAP is valuable toward a wide variety of non-traditional PhD career paths. Previous Ambassadors have pursued careers such as: federal Technology Transfer Managers, Patent Agents, and Technical Specialists at law firms, Senior Associates working in Clinical and Corporate Contract Resource Management at universities, Health Science Analysts in the federal government, Drug Reviewers at the FDA, and Staff Scientists or Senior Scientists in the federal government or private sector.

Program Details

Location and Duration

  • TTAP is fully virtual, but in-person participation at the Annual Technology Showcase (first Wednesday in September) is highly encouraged.
  • ~One year (January - December)

Program Format

Part I. Boot Camp

  • January - March
  • Total: ~5–8 hours
  • Boot Camp courses: mainly Thursday mornings (see schedule for details); plan for ~2 - 4 hours of virtual weekly class attendance.
  • Homework: plan for a few hours per week (much of this can be completed outside of normal working/lab hours, i.e. evenings/weekends/between experiments); some weeks lighter on homework than others.
  • Final Project: you will be assigned a technology to assess for patentability and commercialization potential and will present to tech transfer staff; (included in Homework hours).

Part II. Assignment to a tech transfer office unit within TTC

  • April – December
  • Total: ~5–8 hours per week. 
  • Work with a Technology Transfer Manager (TTM) Mentor at TTC.
  • Hands-on training and meeting with TTM Mentor during normal business hours.
  • Trainee and TTM Mentor meetings are set up as needed taking into account the trainee’s laboratory hours and priorities.
  • Assignments: most of the work can be completed outside of normal working/lab hours, (i.e. evenings/weekends/between experiments).


Besides the set class schedule for the Boot Camp portion of the program (Part I), overall, TTAP is a very flexible program, spread out over a year. This format allows trainees the time to learn about commercialization and apply that knowledge, while continuing to meet their laboratory priorities.


Applicants must be one of the following:

  • Post-doctoral fellow within NIH
    • Applicants from NHGRI and NINDS: please note that these ICs have specific requirements. Check under “How to Apply” section.
  • Post-doctoral fellow within the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR)
  • Staff Scientist, Staff Clinician, Lab Technician, and other Scientists 
  • Graduate student working at NIH (See Application requirements below under How to Apply)
  • NIH Postbaccalaureate trainee (IRTA/CRTA).

How to Apply

Application Deadline

  • November 1st

If you are interested in joining TTAP, and meet all Applicant Requirements, complete the application and other required materials using the links below and return to on or before the application deadline. You must submit ALL of the Required Additional Documentation listed in the application for consideration.

Download and Complete

Application and PI Approval Form and the Abstract Form (ensure you follow all formatting guidance on this form). 

**Graduate Student Applicants**: Must receive approval from your graduate program and NIH PI (include these emails in your application materials)

**NINDS & NHGRI Applicants**: Must receive approval from your Institute's Training Director and Technology Transfer Director (include these emails in your application materials)



  • 1 year commitment
  • 5–8 hours per week (much of this can be completed outside of normal working/lab hours, i.e. evenings/weekends/between experiments)
    • Work directly with Technology Transfer Managers [TTMs] within TTC
    • Meetings with Team Leads and other Ambassadors
  • Mandatory attendance to the following
    • Technology Transfer Boot Camp — **Ambassadors must successfully pass the Boot Camp before being fully accepted into the program**
      • Homework completion by deadlines
      • Final presentation
    • "Perfecting Your Pitch" Workshop and Practice Session
    • Monthly TTAP Meetings
    • Participation at the annual NCI Technology Showcase

Curriculum & Training Schedule

View the current Training Schedule

Program Components

Technology Transfer Boot Camp

**Ambassadors must successfully pass Boot Camp before being fully accepted into the program.**

Early in the program, Ambassadors will participate in Boot Camp training. During this training, Ambassadors will develop a deeper understanding of technology transfer tools used by TTMs and the basics of product development necessary to bring research from the lab to the market. Homework assignments will reflect the type of experiences Ambassadors encounter while working with TTMs throughout the program. Examples include: initial assessment of new inventions, market and patentability analyses, drafting market summaries, and invention portfolio review.

TTC Unit Assignments

Ambassadors who successfully pass Boot Camp will have the opportunity to apply these skills by assisting TTMs in the initial assessment of new invention disclosures, drafting business-oriented marketing summaries of NIH inventions, and reviewing the NCI TTC invention portfolio. Those Ambassadors will also develop effective networking and communication skills, while directly interfacing with fellow scientists & technology transfer professionals in TTC.

Annual Technology Showcase

The Annual Technology Showcase is a one-day conference geared toward industry and biotech stakeholders. Ambassadors will present a one-minute pitch and a poster for an invention from a “potential commercial product” perspective. The pitch and poster showcase the competitive advantages and commercial value of selected NIH technologies. Ambassadors will be guided through poster and pitch development with their Team Leads and through the “Perfecting Your Pitch” Workshop & Practice Sessions. At the Technology Showcase, Ambassadors will practice effective networking and communication skills while interacting with business professionals and industry stakeholders.

TTAP Certificate of Achievement

To qualify for the TTAP Certificate of Achievement (signed by the NCI TTC Director), Ambassadors must meet the following program expectations and certificate criteria:

Program Expectations

TTAP requires a commitment of continued participation and awareness throughout the year. Due to the multi-faceted nature of the TTAP curriculum and schedule, Ambassadors must be able to work independently as well as with a team, be self-starters, highly organized, and personable.

The curriculum augments each Ambassador’s current professional experience with high-level learning/understanding of biomedical technology development and commercialization. To maximize the experience and benefit, Ambassadors must be prepared to participate fully in scheduled activities. Attendance at the Boot Camp, "Perfecting Your Pitch" workshop, monthly TTAP meetings, and at the NCI Technology Showcase, are required for successful completion of the program.

Certificate Criteria

  • Commit 5–8 hours/week to TTAP training for 1 year
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Attend and successfully complete TT Boot Camp HW and final presentation
  • Meet assignment deadlines within the TT Boot Camp and within the TTC Unit—If unable to meet a deadline, give advance notice to TTM and/or Team Lead
  • Track assignments, progress, completion
  • Attend monthly TTAP meetings
  • Technology Showcase Participation: Attend Perfecting Your Pitch Workshop & Practice Sessions, Pitch and Present a technology marketing poster at the event, Participate at the full day event and post-event networking session

Meet the Program Leads from TTC

  • Lidia Beka, Ph.D. - Technology Transfer Manager 
  • Taryn Dick, Ph.D., MBA - Technology Transfer Manager 
  • Rose Freel, Ph.D. - Unit Supervisor
  • Suna Gulay French, Ph.D. - Technology Transfer Manager
  • Whitney Hastings, Ph.D. - Technology Transfer Manager

If you have a question about TTAP, please contact

  • Updated:

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